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Get the professional support you need, when, how, where, and in the way you need it.....

Your Mental Health and Relationships Matter

Solution and resolution focused couples therapy and individual counselling...

Hello, my name is Daniel Dias, I am a trained couples therapist, professionally qualified therapeutic counsellor and mindfulness teacher, I thank you for taking the time to visit my website.

My approach to psychotherapy is straight forward, I believe that if you talk to people through the story of your life and those that influenced you, you too can change lives. I am very fortunate to have lived a long and varied life, influenced by many great teachers, wonderful clients, colleagues, family and friends. 

I offer solution focused psychotherapy for both couples and individuals. I use tried and tested tools designed to repair relationship fractures or breakdowns and alleviate the symptoms of anxiety, depression, trauma, and loss. Powerful tools that can help you reframe and remove the underlying causes of your greatest challenges, a personalised toolkit for long lasting change.

ADHD and Autism, are an area of expertise and experience for me. Many of my clients are late diagnosed, and I understand how much of a challenge that can be for both you and your relationship.

Research has shown that the single most important factor for a successful outcome from counselling is the strength of the working relationship between client and therapist. This is exactly why I offer and insist on a free of charge no obligation video prior to our first session, an opportunity for you to get a feel as to whether I am the right therapist for you.


I am a modern therapist who brings his open authentic self, I keep my knowledge up to date and use the latest understanding from the field of neuroscience. I believe any change we desire for ourselves is possible.


To book an appointment CLICK HERE to complete the contact form or call me on 020 7082 2614.

I look forward to working with you.

Couples Therapy

It takes courage to reach out there is nothing to fear, counselling does help....

I understand and respect the courage it takes and how difficult it can be to seek help for our most intimate relationships especially when they are in crisis or ruptured.

How vulnerable you may feel if perhaps you have suffered betrayal, feel misunderstood, invisible, or unheard. The pain of loss for something you so cherished and held so deeply in your heart.

I am here to help you with couples therapy, new ways of thinking, strategies, exercises, and reflections. You will find me empathetic to your struggles, trustworthy, fair, and candid.

Find out more about how I work with relationships.... CLICK HERE 

Mindfulness, the transformational power of paying attention....

Mindfulness has long been associated with physical and mental benefits. A proven way to reduce stress and anxiety, and a recognised way to improve wellbeing and happiness.

As a qualified mindfulness teacher I have found ways to incorporate mindfulness practice into grounding and enhancing relationships. 


Please allow me to show you simple easy to adopt ways of incorporating mindfulness into your daily life. So that you may find your own path to enriching your life, wellbeing, and relationship both with yourself and others.

Find out more about mindfulness.... CLICK HERE 


To be truly available for others we first have to be compassionate towards ourselves....

What is self-compassion? Loving kindness, an appreciation of our common human experience, a mindful acceptance of who we authentically are.  

It is not feeling sorry for ourselves, weakness, or the thought that we have to accept the we are less than and not good enough. It is empathy for our human experience not sympathy for our perceived faults or failings.  

Humans are innately self-critical, we are all hard wired for negativity, always on the lookout for danger, this is our primal instinct. After all, early humankind was lunch for sabre tooth tigers if it wasn't always on the lookout for danger. 

So, why should we practice self-compassion? In a word "Resilience", by developing our self-compassion we build our resilience, our ability to cope with life's challenges, and in doing so we reduce our sensitivity to anxiety.

But how do we develop self-compassion? In the words of an old Cherokee Indian proverb "We are what we feed." 


As the story goes: One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside all people. 


He said, "My son, the battle is between two wolves inside us all. One wolf is evil, full of anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego."


"The other wolf is good, full of joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, truth, compassion and faith."

"The same fight is going on inside you, and inside every other person too." The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: "Which wolf wins?"

The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed".

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Couples Therapy

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